This 1-day introduction course on Wicca is for New comers, Beginners & seekers – all those interested or curious about Wicca & Witchcraft, and like to learn it all in a down to earth, friendly, experiential manner…!

This is a basic introduction course. Brief explanations will be given as well as demonstrations, use of pathworking, meditation, energy work, some practice;
• Intro: Origins of Modern Wicca; Wiccan Law & principles;
• Energy: Connecting to nature; Chakra & Tree meditation;
• Altar & Ritual tools – athame, wands, sword, scourge, pentacle etc
• Sweeping/ purifications; Consecrations with salt & water/ incense; casting magic circle (words/ demo);
• Elements & Quarters; Symbols & qualities of Air/fire/Water/Earth in wicca; pentagrams/ triangles; invocation words (demo); Transpersonal work (4 functions).
• God & Goddess in wicca: Horned Gods; Moon Goddesses ; what are invocations & charges? who can use the energies? Empowerment; Importance of devocations;
• Magic & Spellcraft in Wicca;
• Esbats & Sabbats- Wheel of the year – related seasonal myths.
• Initiations & Coven life.
Lead Tutor: Mani Navasothy – Wiccan High Priest
This course takes place in a secluded place in Queen’s Woods, High Gate.