Wiccan Principles
The following is an extract from the book `Coven Guide: How to become an Initiated Witch’ (c) Mani Navasothy. (available to purchase as pdf eBook or as Kindle eBook)
Principle 1: Know Thy Self
`Know Thy Self’ is an important part of all magical work. When you work intensely in the realms of magic, you will come across the energies and forces of other people – magical and non-magical, other living things, and magical or esoteric entities (spirits, guides, ghosts, fairies, etc). It is easy to become so involved with those, that you can `loose’ your own identity or boundary. It is similar to have a very close relationship with another person, where you sometimes can be in danger of loosing your own identity, likes, wants, hopes by doing too much for the other person. So as well as studying magical energies, you also must dedicate an equal amount (if not more) of time to knowing about your own self – hopes, wants, fears, nightmares and of course your skills and abilities.
Principle 2: An it harm none, do what you will!
This is a very important `Law’ in Wiccan communities, and its essence cannot be impressed upon you enough! Basically, it speaks of personal responsibility, and implies that – `as long as your actions do not in any way harm others; you may do what ever you like’. This is harder to achieve than you might think!! Your every action or intention has the possibility of impacting on, or affecting (directly or indirectly) one or more peoples’ lives around us. You will find that it is nearly impossible to take any sort of action that will not affect others. Yet, you must strive and aspire to this moral code of Witches!
Principle 3: The 3-fold return
Most Wiccans and magical practitioners believe in the natural law of return – especially a three-fold return! What this means is that whatever actions we take or energies we send out, we believe that three times that amount will come back to us – sooner or later (in this life!). Any good deeds you perform selfishly has the potential to return some three times benefit; By the same token, if you take actions that harm others or disrupt them, your own life may suffer similar or different kind of harm or disruption – sooner or later when you least expect it! These are very similar to the Hindu principles of Karma!!
article (c) Mani Navasothy.